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Partial Transcripts

Partial Transcripts are available for birth, deaths and marriages records at a slightly cheaper rate. You can choose any five (5) of the following fields. You may also choose a single field transcript, or a check and verify transcript. If there are a few possibilities for a person, it is often cheaper to do a check and verify first to see if you have chosen the correct reference from the indexes. In this case, you would need to provide Laurie with brief details you know about this person. This can then be checked against the Register to see if it is the correct person. You would need to email these details with your order.

Wedding 3.jpg

Partial Transcript Fields



1. Birthdate & Place

2. Father's Name

3. Mother's Name

4. Father's Age

5. Father's Birthplace

6. Mother's Age

7. Mother's Age

8. Mother's Birthplace

9. Previous Issue

10. When Married

11. Where Married

12. Informant

13. Witnesses

14. Registrar Details


1. Date & Place

2. Occupation

3. Age At Death

4. Cause of Death

5. Name of Father

6. Name of Mother

7. Burial Date & Place

8. Withnesses & Minister

9. Birthplace

10. Time in NSW

11. Spouse's Name

12. Age of Marriage

13. Place of Marriage

14. Children of Deceased


1. Date & Place

2. Groom's Birthplace

3. Groom's Occupation

4. Groom's Age

5. Groom's Father

6. Groom's Mother

7. Bride's Birthplace

8. Bride's Occupation

9. Bride's Age

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